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In some circumstances, it can currently take up to 5 months to conduct an initial assessment for some complaints, particularly if they are complex. We are doing everything we can to reduce this time. You can find average timescales for each stage of complaint handling across all types of complaints here.

Regulated Bodies

We regulate appointments to an extensive and diverse range of public bodies. These are listed below.

Accounts Commission for Scotland

Architecture and Design Scotland

Bòrd na Gàidhlig

Boundaries Scotland (Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland)

Cairngorms National Park Authority

Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited

Care Inspectorate (Social Care and Social Work Improvement Scotland)

Children's Hearings Scotland

College regional board chairs and the chairs of regional strategic bodies

Community Justice Scotland

Consumer Scotland

Creative Scotland

Crofting Commission

Crown Estate Scotland

David MacBrayne Limited

Environmental Standards Scotland

Food Standards Scotland

Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Highlands & Islands Airports Limited

Highlands and Islands Enterprise

Historic Environment Scotland

Independent Living Fund

Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland

Learning & Teaching Scotland *

Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park Authority

Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland

Mobility and Access Committee for Scotland

National Galleries of Scotland

National Library of Scotland

National Museums of Scotland

NatureScot (Scottish Natural Heritage)

NHS 24

NHS Boards

NHS Education for Scotland

NHS Golden Jubilee (National Waiting Times Centre Board)

NHS National Services Scotland (Common Services Agency for the Scottish Health Service)

Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator

Police Negotiating Board for Scotland (Chair only)

Poverty and Inequality Commission

Public Health Scotland

Public Transport Users' Committee for Scotland *

Quality Meat Scotland

Revenue Scotland

Risk Management Authority

Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh

Schools Closure Review Panels (Convener only)

Scottish Agricultural Wages Board

Scottish Ambulance Service

Scottish Children's Reporter Administration

Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission

Scottish Commission on Social Security

Scottish Enterprise

Scottish Environment Protection Agency

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service

Scottish Fiscal Commission

Scottish Food Commission

Scottish Fuel Poverty Advisory Panel

Scottish Further and Higher Education Funding Council

Scottish Futures Trust

Scottish Housing Regulator

Scottish Land Commission

Scottish Law Commission

Scottish Legal Aid Board

Scottish Legal Complaints Commission

Scottish Local Authorities Remuneration Committee 

Scottish National Investment Bank

Scottish Police Authority

Scottish Qualifications Authority

Scottish Social Services Council

Scottish University for Industry *

Scottish Water

Skills Development Scotland

South of Scotland Enterprise


State Hospitals Board for Scotland


Water Industry Commission for Scotland


* We are waiting for legislation to remove these bodies from our remit.



Contact details for all public bodies are available on the Scottish Government’s website.