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In some circumstances, it can currently take up to 5 months to conduct an initial assessment for some complaints, particularly if they are complex. We are doing everything we can to reduce this time. You can find average timescales for each stage of complaint handling across all types of complaints here.

Collecting your personal information

We collect and handle personal data in the following circumstances.

You can find out how we process your information when you make a complaint about a local authority Councillor or a board member in this privacy notice.

You can find out how we process your information if you are a Councillor or a board member and are the subject of a complaint in this privacy notice.

In considering some complaints, we may need to process information about third parties without their knowledge. In such cases of ‘invisible processing’, it may not be appropriate to inform third parties of this processing of information. In that regard, we take measures to ensure people’s privacy rights are protected, including ensuring only relevant information is obtained.

You can find out how we process your information when you make a complaint about an MSP in this privacy notice.

You can find out how we process your information if you are an MSP and are the subject of a complaint in this privacy notice.

In considering some complaints, we may need to process information about third parties without their knowledge. In such cases of ‘invisible processing’, it may not be appropriate to inform third parties of this processing of information. In that regard, we take measures to ensure people’s privacy rights are protected, including ensuring only relevant information is obtained.

You can find out how we process your personal data when you:

  • apply for a job with us
  • work for us 
  • have left our employment 

in this privacy notice.

When you tender for or provide us with goods or services, we will collect information about you and, where relevant, the organisation you work for. This will include personal data such as your name and contact details and other information you supply as part of the process, such as CVs, professional history, bank account details and conflicts of interest information.

When we agree to a contract for a product or service that you or company provide, we may use the personal information you provide to allow us to manage that contract.

When we purchase a product or service from you or your company, we may use your personal information to allow us to pay for it.

One of our statutory functions is to regulate the public appointments process. We appoint Public Appointment Advisers (PAA’s) to act as the Commissioner’s representative. They review the appointment process and report their findings.

When you tender for the role of PAA, we will collect information about you. This will include personal data such as your name and contact details and other information you supply as part of the tender, such as CVs, professional history and conflicts of interest information.

When you are appointed, we may gather additional information such as your bank account details. We may use the personal information you provide to allow us to manage the contract. For instance, we will share your contact details with Scottish Government officials to allow them to arrange appointment activity directly with you. 

Schedule One of the Service Level Agreement outlines the personal data that will be processed in your role as PAA. Part 1 outlines how the personal data of others will be processed. Part 2 outlines how your personal data will be processed.

Information and guidance will be provided to PAA’s through a private group on Knowledge Hub. PAA’s will need to hold an account with Knowledge Hub to gain access to the Private Group and will have to sign up to Knowledge Hub’s privacy policy.

Your personal data will be held for five years following termination of the Service Level Agreement.

When you make a request for information, we will gather personal data from you. This allow us to respond to your request and locate the information you are looking for. It also enables us to comply with our legal obligations.

You can find out more about how we handle requests for information and use your data on our Freedom of Information webpage.

When you respond to a consultation, we will ask you how you want your response to be treated. All responses will be analysed and we may publish a report describing the outcome of the consultation. Where permission is given, we may publish individual responses. This may include personal data, but only where you have given permission for us to do so. We never publish email or postal addresses. Where permission is given, we may contact you for further comment. 

When you respond to any surveys, we analyse the information you have provided to help us improve how we operate and fulfil our statutory functions. 

We may use third party services to collate, analyse and store survey responses. We currently use SmartSurvey. Their privacy policy is here:

Your information will be held in line with our File Plan and Retention Schedule and our Records Management Policy and Procedures.

Public Appointment Applicant Surveys
When completing this survey, we do not require any personal details that could identify you, such as name, address or date of birth. For your response to remain confidential, please ensure that any comments you make cannot identify you. Once you have completed the survey, you will be asked to provide monitoring data. This relates to age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership and pregnancy and maternity. You can submit the applicant survey without providing this information. If you choose to provide it, it will not be linked to anything which could identify you. 

Individual responses are stored on our servers in the relevant appointment round file. Where a third party service, such as SmartSurvey is used, responses are retained to allow ongoing referral and input to future surveys. 

Public Appointment Selection Panel Surveys
On the completion of an appointment round, we may seek the views of the chairs of the selection panel and public body on the performance of the Public Appointment Advisor (PAA) allocated. These surveys are only issued with consent of the relevant PAA. You will be asked for your name, position and opinions. Completion is voluntary. Individual responses are stored on our servers in the relevant appointment round file. Where a third party service, such as SmartSurvey is used, responses will be deleted once all results are in. 

Staff surveys
Depending on the nature of the research, some staff surveys will be anonymous and others will ask for your name. Completion is entirely voluntary. Individual responses are stored on our servers in the relevant personnel file. Where a third party service, such as SmartSurvey is used, responses will be deleted once all results are in. Responses may contain sensitive and special category information.